Freelance Mentorship Program

Are you ready to elevate your freelance career?

I am introducing an exclusive Freelance Mentorship Program to a limited number of members – this is a unique, hands-on opportunity designed for ambitious freelancers eager to take their careers to new heights. The only way to get access is entering your name and email in the form.

Want to skip the waitlist?

If you’re eager to dive deep into the freelance world and transform your passion into a thriving career, there’s no need to wait.

My Freelance Mentorship Program is designed for go-getters like you, ready to take immediate action towards achieving their dreams. Get personalized, one-on-one mentorship, access to exclusive resources, and hands-on guidance to navigate the challenges of freelancing.

This freelance mentorship program is not an online course. It is you and I, one on one working through your hurdles, improving your skills, confidence and mindset.

This will require personal change, and development. I want to work with people who truly desire this type of commitment.

Along with the change and commitment there will be a monthly price of $250, the program will last 6 to 12 months depending on how fast you progress.

Tell me about your project

Congratulations on taking the first step in growing your business. I am looking forward to helping you achieve the success you are looking for with your website.

Share a few details with me and let’s build something great!

Schedule your call today.

Use the calendar here to book a free consultation. You can choose 15 or 30 minutes, depending on how much time you think we need to discuss your project details.

Some of the things we will go over on this call:

We will dive into these items and any other touch points you need to share with me.